Proverbs around the world
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Cut Proverbs
A sharp tongue will cut off its own head.
Persian Proverb
Copying everybody else all the time, the monkey one day cut his throat.
African Zulu Proverb
Measure a thousand times and cut once.
Turkish Proverb
You don't have to cut a tree down to get at the fruit.
Cambodian Proverb
One knife will not cut another knife; one cheat will not cheat another cheat.
African Congo Proverb
Don't cut off the monkey's tail before it is dead.
African Congo Proverb
A man must put grain in the ground before he can cut the harvest.
Gypsy Proverb
Whichever hand is cut, the whole body feels the pain.
Madagascan Proverb
When the vine entwines your roof, it is time to cut it down.
Cameroon Proverb
‘My belly thinks my throat is cut,' as the hungry man said.
Irish Proverb
If a fool borrows a book, cut off his hand; but cut off both hands, of the fool who brings it back.
Persian Proverb
Do not cut down the tree that gives you shade.
Persian Proverb
Where there is little bread, cut first.
Portuguese Proverb
Never cut what can be untied.
Portuguese Proverb
The fox advised the others to cut off their tails, because he had left his own in the trap.
Italian Proverb
Cowards' weapons neither cut nor pierce.
Italian Proverb
Without an ax no tree can be cut down.
Tibetan Proverb
Useful trees are cut down first.
Korean Proverb
A little axe can cut down a big tree.
Jamaican Proverb
No matter how sharp it is, a knife will never cut it's own handle.
Vietnamese Proverb
It is pleasant to cut thongs on another man's leather.
Dutch Proverb
Measure seven times, cut once.
Russian Proverb