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Tail Proverbs - page 2
A garden without a fence is like a dog without a tail.
Moroccan Proverb
Where you see the tail, there is the mouse.
Namibian Proverb
The dog says: "master, my life is far too good, hurt me in the tail.”.
Netherlands Antillean Proverb
If the tail of the dog can save me, I don't care about its stench.
Tunisian Proverb
Even the elephant can fan off flies with its short tail.
Ghana Proverb
My dog slaps you with his tail and bites you with his teeth.
Basque Proverb
The tail can't shake the dog.
American Proverb
Don't ignore the small things - the kite flies because of its tail.
American Proverb
That is the lion's tail, do not play with it.
Arabic Proverb
The higher the monkey goes the more he shows his tail.
German Proverb
Who takes an eel by the tail or a woman by her word, grasp as he will, holds nothing fast.
German Proverb
She wipes the plate with the cat's tail.
Irish Proverb
The day will come when the cow will have use for her tail.
Irish Proverb
They said to the fox, the fox said to its tail.
Bulgarian Proverb
You can't make a good shaft of a pig's tail.
Portuguese Proverb
The master orders the man, the man orders the cat, and the cat orders her tail.
Portuguese Proverb
The ass dead, the corn at his tail.
Portuguese Proverb
The ass does not know the value of his tail till he has lost it.
Portuguese Proverb
Play with an ass, and he will slap your face with his tail.
Portuguese Proverb
By joining the tail to the trunk one makes up the whole elephant.
Hindi Proverb
The dog's tail, even if buried for twelve years, will remain as crooked as ever.
Hindi Proverb
Who takes an eel by the tail and a woman at her word, may say he holds nothing.
Italian Proverb