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Pay Proverbs - page 3
Who doesn't intend to pay, signs any contract.
Sicilian Proverb
The back has to pay for what the ears didn't hear.
Finnish Proverb
He who comes for the inheritance is often made to pay for the funeral.
Yiddish Proverb
God does not pay weekly, but He pays at the end.
Dutch Proverb
Money is truthful. If a man speaks of his honor, make him pay cash.
Dutch Proverb
As you began the dance you may pay the piper.
Dutch Proverb
Sorrow will pay no debts.
Dutch Proverb
If you don't pay a servant his wages, then he will pay himself.
Spanish Proverb
A pound of care will not pay a pound of debt.
Spanish Proverb
I paid a goat because I blaabed.
Ethiopian Proverb
If you would be a good judge, pay attention to what everyone says.
Mexican Proverb
Pay what you owe and you will know what you are worth.
Mexican Proverb
Old debts are not paid, and new ones are left to get old.
Mexican Proverb
The throat must pay for what the tongue may say.
Mexican Proverb
It may not pay to weigh everyone in the same scales.
Kashmir Proverb
Good connections should pay.
Kashmir Proverb
It does not pay to talk a lot.
Kashmir Proverb
Only fools pay retail.
Klingon Proverb
Never pay more for an acquisition than you have to.
Klingon Proverb
You pay attention to your fek'lhr and I will pay attention to mine.
Klingon Proverb
Quick to borrow is always slow to pay.
Traditional Proverb
Pay beforehand if you would have your work poorly done.
Traditional Proverb