Proverbs around the world
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Pay Proverbs
The day will come for the despot to pay.
Lebanese Proverb
Those who counsel do not pay.
Belgian Proverb
If you buy cheaply, you pay dearly.
English Proverb
Live in my heart and pay no rent.
Irish Proverb
Cleaning the house will not pay the rent.
Irish Proverb
God does not pay every Saturday.
Bulgarian Proverb
Here you do, here you pay.
Portuguese Proverb
A lawyer's fee and a harlot's wages are paid in advance.
Hindi Proverb
The soldier is well paid for doing mischief.
Italian Proverb
A thousand regrets do not pay one debt.
Turkish Proverb
Rob Peter to Pay Paul.
Scottish Proverb
God heals, but the doctor gets paid.
Belgian Proverb
No attention is paid to him who is always complaining.
Kenyan Proverb
He who does not intend to pay is not troubled in making his bargain.
Mexican Proverb
Let not the tongue speak what the head may have to pay for.
Mexican Proverb
Old debts are never paid, and the new ones get old easily.
South American Proverb
My daughter, as long as you keep quiet, much money will paid for your marriage.
Yemeni Proverb
If the hours are long enough and the pay is short enough, someone will say it's women's work.
Swahili Proverb
Pay your debts or lose your friends.
American Proverb
In God we trust; all others pay cash.
American Proverb
You get what you pay for.
English Proverb
Better to pay and have little than have much and be in debt.
English Proverb