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Drink Proverbs - page 3
There's no making the ass drink when his is not thirsty.
Italian Proverb
You cannot make the mule drink when he is not thirsty.
Italian Proverb
Extol the virtue of water, but drink wine.
Czech Proverb
He who drinks, dies; he who does not drink, dies as well.
Mongolian Proverb
Anyone who urinates in a stream should be warned because any of his relatives may drink from the water.
Nigerian Proverb
Mi come here fi drink milk, mi noh come here fi count cow.
Jamaican Proverb
A mare who has had a foal will never again drink pure water.
Corsican Proverb
There's no point in whistling at an ox who doesn't want to drink.
Corsican Proverb
Beware the man who does not drink.
Icelandic Proverb
No use crying at the market, sell your fur coat and drink the money.
Finnish Proverb
There's no making a donkey drink against his will.
Dutch Proverb
Good drink drives out bad thoughts.
Dutch Proverb
As you brew, so must you drink.
Russian Proverb
Do not spit into the well that you might need to drink out of.
Russian Proverb
He who doesn't risk never gets to drink champagne.
Russian Proverb
Eat until you are half full; drink until you are half drunk.
Russian Proverb
Do not spit into the well you may have to drink of.
Russian Proverb
There are two kinds of Chinese: those who give wine and those who drink it.
Russian Proverb
After stuffing pears within, drink old wine until they swim.
Spanish Proverb
Don't sign a paper without reading it, or drink water without seeing it.
Spanish Proverb
Drink nothing with out seeing it; sign nothing without reading it.
Spanish Proverb
Eat, drink and be merry.
Spanish Proverb