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Mind Proverbs - page 4
Out of sight, out of mind.
Traditional Proverb
Money spent on the mind is never spent in vain.
Traditional Proverb
Be master of mind rather than mastered by mind.
Zen Proverb
A person will change his mind on something if left to sleep over it.
Bajan Proverb
Train equally the mind and body.
Confucian Proverb
When you buy, use your eyes and your mind, not your ears.
Czechoslovakian Proverb
There is nothing so evil as the mind of a virtuous woman.
Darkovan Proverb
I have no friends; I make my mind my friend.
Japanese Proverb
A bath refreshes the body, tea refreshes the mind.
Japanese Proverb
An image of a bamboo has already been formed in mind before it is committed to the painting canvas.
Chinese Proverb
Books speak to the mind, friends to the heart, heaven to the soul, all else to the ears.
Chinese Proverb
The mind is the emperor of the body.
Chinese Proverb
Reticence builds a fortress in the mind.
Chinese Proverb
Any book you open will benefit your mind.
Chinese Proverb
A vacant mind is open to all suggestions, as a hollow mountain returns all sounds.
Chinese Proverb
If you wish to know the mind of a man, listen to his words.
Chinese Proverb
Your mind is like a parachute; it only works when it's open.
African Proverb
A needle cannot hold two threads or a mind two thoughts.
African Proverb
An open mind only hurts those who fear their own mistakes.
African Proverb
A dog does not mind being called a dog.
African Proverb
The mind of a fool is like a broken pot it will hold no wisdom.
African Proverb
Roots do not know what a leaf has in mind.
African Proverb