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Women Proverbs - page 3
Women, priests, and poultry, never have enough.
Italian Proverb
In men every mortal sin is venial, in women every venial sin is mortal.
Italian Proverb
Men are as old as they feel, women as old as they look.
Italian Proverb
Men are as old as they fell, and women as they look.
Italian Proverb
Men make wealth, and women preserve it.
Italian Proverb
Three women and a goose make a market.
Italian Proverb
Women and hens are lost by too much gadding.
Italian Proverb
Women are wise impromptu, fools on reflection.
Italian Proverb
Women naturally deceive, weep and spin.
Italian Proverb
Wars are caused by women and priests.
Czech Proverb
Men and women sleep on the same pillow, but they have different dreams.
Mongolian Proverb
If women were not vain, men could teach them how to be.
Hungarian Proverb
Women have long skirts and short minds.
Romanian Proverb
The looking glass is the enemy of ugly women.
Romanian Proverb
If God didn't like beautiful women, he wouldn't have made them.
Kurdish Proverb
Many women, many words.
Kurdish Proverb
God created women and women created the hearth.
Kurdish Proverb
At night all women are alike.
Maltese Proverb
Seven women in their right senses are surpassed by a mad man.
Maltese Proverb
Women and cats in the house, men and dogs in the street.
Catalan Proverb
Women, problems.
Corsican Proverb
March sun ages women.
Corsican Proverb