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Women Proverbs - page 2
All married women are not wives.
Japanese Proverb
Because of their figure, vain women stay cold.
Japanese Proverb
Beware of women with beards and men without beards.
Basque Proverb
There are no greater prudes than those women who have their own dirty secrets to hide.
Afghan Proverb
Old men, when they marry young women, make much of death.
English Proverb
Even the one-eyed man winks to women.
Arabic Proverb
If someone says "there is a wedding ceremony in the clouds,” then the women would soon arrive with their ladders.
Arabic Proverb
The men are the wool of the tribe, but the women are the ones who weave the pattern.
Arabic Proverb
When lazy horses begin to start, old women to dance, and white clouds to rain, there is no stopping them.
Danish Proverb
Women are as wavering as the wind.
German Proverb
Women are necessary evils.
German Proverb
Women are as fickle as April weather.
German Proverb
Women, fortune, and gold, favor fools.
German Proverb
Hares are caught with hounds, fools with praise, and women with gold.
German Proverb
Put the light out, and all women are alike.
German Proverb
Wine and women make fools of everybody.
German Proverb
Women and wine, game and deceit, Make the wealth small and the wants great.
German Proverb
Women are never at a loss for words.
German Proverb
Women are shy and shame prevents them from refusing a man.
Irish Proverb
Money tempts women, women tempt men.
Bulgarian Proverb
Women are supernumerary when present, and missed when absent.
Portuguese Proverb
A market is three women and a goose.
Italian Proverb