Proverbs around the world
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Women Proverbs
If women were really good, God would be married.
Georgian Proverb
Don't let women who attract attention walk behind you.
Cambodian Proverb
He who doesn't like chattering women must stay a bachelor.
African Congo Proverb
The hunt is like a dance for men, for the women the dance is the hunt.
Lower Austria Proverb
Women are stronger than men, they do not die of wisdom.
Irish Proverb
Women do not drink liquor, but it disappears when they are present.
Irish Proverb
Women are just like cats -- they always land on their feet.
Persian Proverb
Women and glasses are always in danger.
Portuguese Proverb
Women are always better the following year.
Portuguese Proverb
Women always speak the truth, but not the whole truth.
Italian Proverb
Plant rice when the ground is ready; pursue women when you feel passion.
Tibetan Proverb
Women are like raindrops: some fall on palaces, others on ricefields.
Vietnamese Proverb
Truth is what women do not tell.
Luxembourgish Proverb
Men for tea, women for talk.
Somali Proverb
All women are good Lutherans - they would rather preach than hear mass.
Dutch Proverb
Lovely women, lovely quarrels.
Native American Proverb
Pride and dignity would belong to women if only men would leave them alone.
Egyptian Proverb
Women have no court.
Kiganda Proverb
Women and glass are always in danger.
Zanzibar Proverb
Keep women far away from song, because it is a summons to adultery.
Bedouin Proverb
Where two women rule a hearth-fire, the thatch may burn with the sparks flying.
Darkovan Proverb
All women are alike when the lamp is out.
Darkovan Proverb