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Wisdom Proverbs - page 4
Much wisdom is smothered in a poor man's head.
Dutch Proverb
Wisdom is born; stupidity is learned.
Russian Proverb
Silence is wisdom and gets a man friends.
Latin Proverb
Consideration is the parent of wisdom.
Latin Proverb
Tis wisdom sometimes to seem a fool.
Latin Proverb
Foolishness first, then wisdom.
Maasai Proverb
One head cannot hold all wisdom.
Maasai Proverb
Wisdom comes only when you stop looking for it and start living the life the Creator intended for you.
Native American Proverb
Every man must act in the rhythm of his time, such is wisdom.
Egyptian Proverb
Wisdom and serenity should not unduly weigh down a person.
Kashmir Proverb
Never confuse wisdom with luck.
Klingon Proverb
The chief's wisdom is a mesh of old stories, good and bad.
Luo Proverb
With much knowledge there is much sorrow, with much wisdom there is much weeping.
Moroccan Proverb
The wisdom of the elderly is like the sun, it illuminates the village and the great river.
Nilotic Proverb
There is more wisdom in listening than in speaking.
Nilotic Proverb
Happy is he who hath in himself praise and wisdom in life.
Norse Proverb
No one will say, "My father is incontinent." Everyone will say, "He is a man of advice and wisdom."
Tunisian Proverb
Wisdom is more precious than rubies.
Biblical Proverb
There is no way to teach a machine wisdom after folly.
Darkovan Proverb
The idle remarks of the rich are taken as maxims of wisdom by the poor.
Ecuadoran Proverb
Great wit drives away wisdom.
Swahili Proverb
Wealth gets in the way of wisdom.
Japanese Proverb