Proverbs around the world
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Wisdom Proverbs
Wisdom cannot be bought with money, yet it is worth the most.
Bulgarian Proverb
A madman does not lack wisdom.
Somali Proverb
Wisdom does not come overnight.
Somali Proverb
Doubt is the beginning not the end of wisdom.
English Proverb
You cannot buy wisdom abroad if there is none at home.
Russian Proverb
If a rich man eats a snake, people call it wisdom; if a poor man does the same thing, people call it derangement.
Lebanese Proverb
Deep doubts, deep wisdom; small doubts, little wisdom.
Chinese Proverb
Women are stronger than men, they do not die of wisdom.
Irish Proverb
Continual cheerfulness is a sign of wisdom.
Irish Proverb
A drop of wisdom is better than a sea of gold.
Greek Proverb
Once I had the strength but no wisdom; now I have the wisdom but no strength.
Persian Proverb
Thinking is the essence of wisdom.
Persian Proverb
The hot sun melts away the snow; when anger comes, does wisdom go.
Hindi Proverb
Knowing just one word of wisdom is like knowing a hundred ordinary words.
Tibetan Proverb
Under a ragged coat lies wisdom.
Romanian Proverb
Gold without wisdom is but clay.
Slovak Proverb
Useless wisdom is double foolishness.
Icelandic Proverb
Adversity brings wisdom.
Vietnamese Proverb
His money takes the place of wisdom.
Dutch Proverb
Experience is the father of wisdom.
Belgian Proverb
Seek wisdom like a begger.
Myanmar Proverb
Wisdom is in the books.
Myanmar Proverb