Proverbs around the world
Proverbs of the day
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Right Proverbs - page 3
Even a clock that is not going is right twice a day.
Polish Proverb
Even a clock that does not work is right twice a day.
Polish Proverb
The right balance depends on the weigher.
Georgian Proverb
He that is always right is always wrong.
Italian Proverb
The right hand is slave to the left.
Italian Proverb
The right man comes at the right time.
Italian Proverb
Who is in the right fears, who is in the wrong hopes.
Italian Proverb
A promise is a nice word, if kept then it is all right.
Hungarian Proverb
Where right has no power - there power likes to be.
Croatian Proverb
A spacious ground is the right place to demonstrate one's skill in wrestling.
Nigerian Proverb
Seven women in their right senses are surpassed by a mad man.
Maltese Proverb
There is no wind that blows right for the sailor who doesn't know where the harbor is.
Norwegian Proverb
Goes in the left ear, goes out the right ear.
Thai Proverb
Let not your left hand see what your right hand does.
Corsican Proverb
A person peeing right against a wall most certainly has an adam's apple.
Corsican Proverb
War does not determine who is right, only who is remaining.
Finnish Proverb
Being someones right hand.
Dutch Proverb
Good right needs good help.
Dutch Proverb
They who fight with golden weapons are pretty sure to prove they are right.
Dutch Proverb
If you don't have time to do it right you must have time to do it over.
Russian Proverb
One does not sharpen the axes after the right time; after the time they are needed.
Russian Proverb
Fedot, yet not the right one.
Russian Proverb