Proverbs around the world
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Ask Proverbs - page 3
Ask me what are my virtues, not about the color of my skin.
Arabic Proverb
Ask for a science that would be useful to you, would keep you from harm and shame, then elevate you.
Arabic Proverb
If you wish/ask, wish/ask for more.
Arabic Proverb
He who is afraid to ask is ashamed of learning.
Danish Proverb
When friends ask, there is no tomorrow.
Danish Proverb
Ask advice only of your equals.
Danish Proverb
One fool may ask more questions than ten wise men can answer.
Danish Proverb
Never ask God to give you anything; ask Him to put you where.
Irish Proverb
Ask for advice but do what you think is best.
Greek Proverb
Do not ask the old – ask the experienced.
Polish Proverb
Do not ask advice of the ignorant.
Hindi Proverb
Ask my companion if I be a thief.
Italian Proverb
Ask my chum if I am a thief.
Italian Proverb
Better to ask than to go astray.
Italian Proverb
One idiot can ask more questions than ten wise men can answer.
Mongolian Proverb
Winter will ask you what you did during the summer.
Romanian Proverb
If you ask for too much at once, you will come home with an empty bag.
Croatian Proverb
What you deserve you don't have to ask for.
Haitian Proverb
Ask for advice, then use your head.
Norwegian Proverb
The more you ask how much longer it will take, the longer the journey will seem.
New Zealander Proverb
Fools ask questions that wise men cannot answer.
Dutch Proverb
Fools ask what's o'clock, but wise men know their time.
Dutch Proverb