Proverbs around the world
Proverbs of the day
Top proverbs
Done Proverbs
Work is twice done by the man in a hurry.
Persian Proverb
If you've done good, stay silent; if good has been done to you, share to others.
Arabic Proverb
A woman's work is never done.
English Proverb
After all is said and done, more is said than done.
American Proverb
Beware of the man to whom you have done a good turn.
Lebanese Proverb
No matter how many house chores you complete, there are always more to be done.
African Proverb
Never put off till tomorrow what can be done today.
English Proverb
He who has done evil, expects evil.
Guinea Proverb
The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it.
Chinese Proverb
The sooner begun, the sooner done.
Portuguese Proverb
Something done at the wrong time should be regarded as not done.
Hindi Proverb
To begin is to be half done.
Korean Proverb
Never forget benefits done you, regardless how small.
Vietnamese Proverb
Little is done where many command.
Dutch Proverb
Life is short, but there's a lot to be done.
Russian Proverb
Conscience is what tells you not to do what you have just done.
Spanish Proverb
There is a great distance between said and done.
Puerto Rican Proverb
A good beginning is half the work done.
Puerto Rican Proverb
Who has not done any evil act, his or her heart may be found right.
Egyptian Proverb
Done in by his own trade like a water merchant in the rain.
Madagascan Proverb
Whatever man had done, man may do.
Palestinian Proverb
You should have done it on the wedding night, you fool.
Tunisian Proverb