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Bite Proverbs - page 4
Hungry flies bite sore.
Dutch Proverb
Barking dogs seldom bite.
Dutch Proverb
Dead dogs don't bite.
Dutch Proverb
Starved lice bite the hardest.
Dutch Proverb
The goose hisses, but does not bite.
Dutch Proverb
Warm a frozen snake and it will be the first to bite you.
Russian Proverb
One wolf does not bite another.
Spanish Proverb
A dog won't bite you if you are carrying a stick.
Spanish Proverb
Dead men do not bite.
Latin Proverb
When the healthy dog fights with a mad dog, it is the ears of the healthy one that are bitten off.
Myanmar Proverb
When a dog cannot bite, it has a bone in its mouth.
Moroccan Proverb
If you chase away an ant, all the ants will come and bite you.
Pigmei Proverb
Conscience is the dog that can't bite, but never stops barking.
Traditional Proverb
Many lick before they bite.
Traditional Proverb
You must eat an elephant one bite at a time.
Twi Proverb
Do not step on the dog's tail, and he will not bite you.
Cameroon Proverb
Once bitten. Twice shy.
Canadian Proverb
Do not grab your heel until the ant has bitten you.
Ekonda Proverb
Even a hare will bite when it is cornered.
Chinese Proverb
The dog that has bitten bites again.
Chinese Proverb
To extend your life by a year, take one less bite each meal.
Chinese Proverb
Once bitten by a snake, he is scared all his life at the mere sight of a rope.
Chinese Proverb