Proverbs around the world
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Word Proverbs - page 2
The word of a powerful man is the truth.
Bambara Proverb
Spread the word of a psalm and it becomes a popular song.
Myanmar Proverb
You can pull back your leg, but not your committed word.
Myanmar Proverb
Take the bull by the horns and the man at his word.
Colombian Proverb
As we didn't say a word, he thought he could do anything he liked.
Algerian Proverb
Jump over a log but not over your neighbor's word.
Zambian Proverb
The bull should be taken by the horns, a man at his word.
Bantu Proverb
Every word has three definitions and three interpretations.
Costa Rican Proverb
A cutting word is worse than a bowstring, a cut may heal, but the cut of the tongue does not.
African Proverb
Many a true word is spoken in jest.
English Proverb
A word to the wise is sufficient.
Arabic Proverb
If you speak the word it shall own you, and if you don't you shall own it.
Arabic Proverb
What harm is there in a good word? It costs nothing.
German Proverb
How many daily read the Word, and yet from vice are not deterred.
German Proverb
Who takes an eel by the tail or a woman by her word, grasp as he will, holds nothing fast.
German Proverb
A good word never broke a tooth.
Irish Proverb
A Word makes no hole, a pinch tears no underskirt.
Bulgarian Proverb
He who heeds the first word of his wife must listen forever to the second.
Bosnian Proverb
Whatever kind of word thou speakest, the like shalt thou bear.
Greek Proverb
Taking the first step with the good thought, the second with the good word, and the third with the good deed, I enter paradise.
Persian Proverb
A word and a blow.
Portuguese Proverb
A word and a stone once let go cannot be recalled.
Portuguese Proverb