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Lost Proverbs - page 3
Through being too knowing the fox lost his tail.
Italian Proverb
The stitch is lost unless the thread be knotted.
Italian Proverb
If I have lost the ring I still have the fingers.
Italian Proverb
Plenty of words when the cause is lost.
Italian Proverb
Women and hens are lost by too much gadding.
Italian Proverb
Many a friend has been lost by a jest, but none has ever been got by one.
Czech Proverb
Kings matthias is dead, justice is lost.
Hungarian Proverb
It's no shame to look into the warm spring sun and regret a lost limb.
Norwegian Proverb
Words of insults are futile, the more they fit, the more they are lost.
Icelandic Proverb
Who approaches women penniless will be told: get lost.
Sicilian Proverb
He that is won with a nut, may be lost with an apple.
Galician Proverb
Truth is lost with too much debating.
Dutch Proverb
The truth is lost when there is too much debating.
Dutch Proverb
Fortune lost, nothing lost; courage lost, much lost; honour lost, more lost; soul lost, all lost.
Dutch Proverb
Tis better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all.
Dutch Proverb
Beauty is but dross it honesty be lost.
Dutch Proverb
Better a ruined than a lost land.
Dutch Proverb
He has lost the nest-egg.
Dutch Proverb
Let every one look to himself, and no one will be lost.
Dutch Proverb
One lost, two found.
Dutch Proverb
All the treasures of earth cannot bring back one lost moment.
French Proverb
Friends are lost by calling too often and by not calling often enough.
French Proverb