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Night Proverbs - page 3
He that will be rich before night, may be hanged before noon.
English Proverb
You may preach ever so long to the wolf, he will nevertheless call for the lamb before night.
Danish Proverb
Cheese is gold in the morning, silver at noon, and lead at night.
German Proverb
Red sky at night, sailor's delight. Red sky at morning, sailors take warning.
German Proverb
By night all cats are grey.
German Proverb
Except for the night, we could never know the stars.
German Proverb
Counterfeit coin passes current at night.
Portuguese Proverb
The night is good counsellor.
Portuguese Proverb
A guest sticks a nail in the wall even if he stays but one night.
Polish Proverb
By night all cats are black.
Italian Proverb
Every day has its night.
Italian Proverb
If you wake up in the morning and feel no pain, it is to be feared that you died in the night.
Czech Proverb
When a woman has ten children, there is nothing that happens in the night that she does not know about.
Nigerian Proverb
He who does not lose his way by night will not lose his way by day.
Nigerian Proverb
At night all women are alike.
Maltese Proverb
It's because the rat knows what he does at night that he doesn't go out during day.
Haitian Proverb
What darg see him bark all night, ramgoat see it no trouble him.
Jamaican Proverb
Di daakes' part a di night, a when diay soon light.
Jamaican Proverb
The great night that provides, the great day that neglects.
Hawaiian Proverb
There are seven different kind of weather in one autumn night.
Icelandic Proverb
A fat woman warms the night.
Icelandic Proverb
When you work with anxiety during the day, you'll sit up at night with your thoughts.
Sicilian Proverb