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Wolf Proverbs - page 4
However you feed the wolf, he still looks at the wood.
Russian Proverb
Make a friend of the wolf, but keep your axe ready.
Russian Proverb
Make yourself a sheep and the wolf is ready.
Russian Proverb
No matter how much you feed a wolf, he will always return to the forest.
Russian Proverb
One wolf does not bite another.
Spanish Proverb
Do you want to see a wolf with young? Marry your daughter.
Spanish Proverb
A starving man will eat with the wolf.
Native American Proverb
The wolf and the dog do not play together.
Norse Proverb
The wolf changes his coat, but not his disposition.
Traditional Proverb
The caribou feeds the wolf, but it is the wolf who keeps the caribou strong.
Eskimo Proverb
The wolf and the shaman are of one nest.
Eskimo Proverb
While keeping a tiger from the front door, the wolf comes in at the back.
Chinese Proverb
Fight a wolf with a flex stalk.
Chinese Proverb
The lone wolf may yet kill as many deer as a pack.
Chinese Proverb
The wolf barks in vain at the moon.
Chinese Proverb
Where the cattle are, there the wolf shall die.
African Proverb
It is easy to cut the tail of a dead wolf.
Albanian Proverb
It is easy to fool the young wolf.
American Proverb
Hunger fetches the wolf out of the woods.
American Proverb
It is better to keep a wolf out of the fold than to trust drawing his teeth and talons after he shall have entered.
American Proverb
Who keeps company with the wolf will learn to howl.
English Proverb
If you mentioned the wolf you better prepare the stick.
Arabic Proverb