Proverbs around the world
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Nor Proverbs - page 3
Whoever sows within the vineyard, neither reaps a crop nor harvests grapes.
Sicilian Proverb
Bread and cheese, neither beneficial nor bad.
Sicilian Proverb
The hat does not make the gentleman nor the cap a lout.
Sicilian Proverb
The healthy can't pretend to be sick nor can the sick pretend to be healthy.
Sicilian Proverb
Don't make promises to the rich nor withhold from the poor.
Sicilian Proverb
All that glitters is not gold, nor all that sparkles silver.
Finnish Proverb
Neither reprove nor flatter thy wife, where any one heareth or seeth it.
Dutch Proverb
I never saw an oft-removed tree, nor yet an oft-removed family, that throve so well as one that settled be.
French Proverb
Neither rhyme nor harmony.
Russian Proverb
I am neither at the ford nor the bridge.
Spanish Proverb
A tree often transplanted neither grows nor thrives.
Spanish Proverb
Neither shall the wave, which has passed on, ever be recalled; nor can the hour, which has once fled by, return again.
Latin Proverb
You must not tell all that you know, nor judge all that you see, if you would live in peace.
Mexican Proverb
He who knows nothing neither doubts nor fears anything.
Mexican Proverb
If you want to live in peace, you must not tell everything that you know, nor judge everything that you see.
Mexican Proverb
Not so much that it burns the saint, nor so little that it doesn't illuminate him.
Mexican Proverb
In this treacherous world there is neither truth nor lie; everything is like the color of the crystal through which you gaze.
Mexican Proverb
Poverty does not destroy virtue nor wealth bestow it.
Colombian Proverb
To show one's fist to a blind man is neither a sin nor a virtue.
Kashmir Proverb
The earth is not an inheritance of our fathers, nor one for our sons.
Luo Proverb
You cannot weld cake-dough to cast iron, nor a girl to an old man.
North American Proverb
There's no quiet child nor young grandmother.
Serbo Croatian Proverb