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Far Proverbs - page 4
A man who has his feet hacked off cannot scurry far.
Norse Proverb
If your corn field is far from your home, the birds will eat your corn.
Pigmei Proverb
If your cornfield is far from your house, the birds will eat your corn.
Pigmy Proverb
The more you ask how far you have to go, the longer your journey seems.
Seneca Proverb
A splinter doesn't land far from the trunk.
Serbo Croatian Proverb
God is high above, and russia is far away.
Serbo Croatian Proverb
Step by step one goes very far.
Traditional Proverb
De berry don' drop too far from de tree.
Bajan Proverb
Men and women are never placed too far apart to be near.
Japanese Proverb
Beautiful roads never go far.
Chinese Proverb
Far waters cannot quench near fires.
Chinese Proverb
Water from far away is no good for a fire close by.
Chinese Proverb
Better be kind at home than burn incense in a far place.
Chinese Proverb
Better a calamity to be far away.
African Proverb
He who betrays you is not one from far away.
African Proverb
He who is close to you knows more about you than he who is far away.
African Proverb
If your cornfield is far from your house, the birds will eat your corn.
African Proverb
No matter how far you are from your house, you will keep going until you get home.
African Proverb
You wouldn't know how far the town is if you've been taken there.
African Proverb
Where there is a frog, the snake is not far away.
African Proverb
Those who walk slowly reach a far, hence to hurry is not worth.
African Proverb
You can get far with a lie, but not come back.
American Proverb