Proverbs around the world
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End Proverbs - page 2
At the end the Gloria is chanted.
Spanish Proverb
The end is good, everything is good.
Swedish Proverb
It takes two to make a quarrel but only one to end it.
Nicaraguan Proverb
Sorrow is like rice in an attic: you use a little every day and at the end it is all gone.
Madagascan Proverb
Quarrels end, but words once spoken never die.
Sierra Leonean Proverb
Everything has an end.
Tanzanian Proverb
With gold you can make a road to heaven but it will end in hell.
Togolese Proverb
Cooling the tongs is not end of forging.
Swahili Proverb
A worthy cause is worth pursuing to the end.
Ghana Proverb
If we don't change our direction we're likely to end up where we're headed.
Chinese Proverb
If you ask for directions rudely, you might end up a long distance from your destination.
Chinese Proverb
Bit by bit, in the end it becomes a hill.
Malay Proverb
He who sacks his wife because she eats a lot will end up marrying a cannibal.
African Proverb
If you understand the beginning well, the end will not trouble you.
African Proverb
A whistling girl and a crowing hen never came to a good end.
American Proverb
Honesty is like an icicle; if once it melts that is the end of it.
American Proverb
The world still he keeps at his staff's end that needs not to borrow and never will lend.
English Proverb
In every beginning think of the end.
English Proverb
Even the longest day has its end.
Irish Proverb
The longest road has an end and the straightest road has an end.
Irish Proverb
Thirst is the end of drinking and sorrow is the end of drunkenness.
Irish Proverb
Though wisdom is good in the beginning, it is better at the end.
Irish Proverb