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Everything Proverbs - page 4
Who is tender in everything is a fool in everything.
Catalan Proverb
With everything Messina has the port, but for beautiful Palermo it is always just an orchard.
Sicilian Proverb
You find everything when you are spring cleaning.
Yiddish Proverb
Money isn't everything, but it's way ahead of whatever is in second place.
Dutch Proverb
Everything goes by favour and cousinship.
French Proverb
Everything may be bought except day and night.
French Proverb
Everything in time comes to him who knows how to wait.
French Proverb
There will be a replacement for everything.
Indonesian Proverb
Think everything carefully before committing yourself because there is no point for regretting it later.
Indonesian Proverb
Not everything is a mermaid that dives into the water.
Russian Proverb
Everything is funny as long as it happens to someone else.
Russian Proverb
Everything tastes bitter to him with gall in his mouth.
Russian Proverb
When gold speaks, everything else is silent.
Russian Proverb
Not everything that shines is gold.
Turkish Proverb
Everything in its season, and turnips in Advent.
Spanish Proverb
There is a time for everything.
Latin Proverb
There is a time when nothing should be said, there is a time when some things may be said. but there is indeed no time in which everything can be said.
Latin Proverb
For the lazy and the poor, everything always takes twice the effort.
Honduran Proverb
If you want to live in peace, you must not tell everything that you know, nor judge everything that you see.
Mexican Proverb
In this treacherous world there is neither truth nor lie; everything is like the color of the crystal through which you gaze.
Mexican Proverb
You already possess everything necessary to become great.
Native American Proverb
Everything the power does, it does in a circle.
Native American Proverb