Proverbs around the world
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Everything Proverbs - page 2
Not everything that is good to eat is good to talk about.
Jamaican Proverb
Not everything you hear is good for conversation.
Jamaican Proverb
Children who get everything they ask for seldom succeed in life.
Filipino Proverb
Keep your eye on girls that don't tell their mothers everything.
Luxembourgish Proverb
Everything has an end with the exception of God.
Dutch Proverb
Everything has an end except God.
Dutch Proverb
Everything has a wherefore.
Dutch Proverb
Everything has two handles.
Dutch Proverb
Everything passes; everything wears out; everything breaks.
French Proverb
The end is good, everything is good.
Swedish Proverb
Everything wears away from use.
Mexican Proverb
The child who is given everything he asks for usually won't succeed in life.
Myanmar Proverb
Everything is formed by habit, even praying.
Egyptian Proverb
Not everything can be seen, but everything exists.
Senegalese Proverb
When one shuts one eye, one does not hear everything.
Swiss Proverb
If you close one eye, you will not hear everything.
Swiss Proverb
Everything has an end.
Tanzanian Proverb
Fire purges everything.
Berber Proverb
There is a remedy for everything, could we but hit upon it.
American Proverb
Everything worthwhile has a fence around it, but there is always a gate and a key.
American Proverb
Money talks - everything else walks.
American Proverb
Give some people everything you have and they still want the moon.
American Proverb