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Stone Proverbs - page 3
Three hundred ravens are scattered by one stone.
Bulgarian Proverb
Under every stone sleeps a scorpion.
Greek Proverb
A word and a stone once let go cannot be recalled.
Portuguese Proverb
A word from the mouth, a stone from the hand.
Portuguese Proverb
Anger is as a stone cast into a wasp's nest.
Hindi Proverb
A drop of water breaks a stone.
Italian Proverb
A fool throws a stone into a well, and it requires a hundred wise men to get it out again.
Italian Proverb
A little stone overturns a great cart.
Italian Proverb
Don't bite till you know whether it is bread or a stone.
Italian Proverb
He has stirred up, or threw a stone into, still water.
Hungarian Proverb
A fool may throw a stone into a well which a hundred wise cannot take out.
Hungarian Proverb
When it is spring time, the grass will even grow under a big stone.
Kurdish Proverb
Check before you bite if it is bread or a stone.
Croatian Proverb
The stone in the water does not know how hot the hill is, parched by the sun.
Nigerian Proverb
Push the stone to the top of the mountain.
Thai Proverb
Tapping persistently breaks the stone.
Welsh Proverb
A dog bites the stone, not him who throws it.
Icelandic Proverb
A stone that gathers no moss will be washed away by the river.
Sicilian Proverb
Roll me, don't curse me, said the stone to the ploughman.
Finnish Proverb
As ass does not hit himself twice against the same stone.
Dutch Proverb
Hunger eats through stone walls.
Dutch Proverb
A fool may throw into a well a stone which a hundred wise men cannot pull out.
Russian Proverb