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Stone Proverbs - page 2
Instruction in youth is like engraving in stone.
Colombian Proverb
It is the fate of the coconut husk to float, for the stone to sink.
Malawi Proverb
If an ox doesn't know the size of his arse he won't eat an apricot stone.
Martinican Proverb
A stone from the hand of a friend is an apple.
Mauritania Proverb
The one who throws the stone forgets; the one who is hit remembers forever.
Angolan Proverb
Do not drink from a well and throw a stone into it.
Palestinian Proverb
Whether the pitcher strike the stone or the stone the pitcher, the pitcher suffers.
Panamanian Proverb
A termite can do nothing to a stone save lick it.
Sudanese Proverb
As the stone leaves your hand it belongs to the devil.
Swiss Proverb
To leap into a pool embracing a stone.
Japanese Proverb
The human heart is neither of stone nor wood.
Japanese Proverb
Even the stone you trip on is part of your destiny.
Japanese Proverb
The pebble in the brook secretly thinks itself a precious stone.
Japanese Proverb
Dripping water can eat through a stone.
Chinese Proverb
Don't respond to a mosquito bit with a stone because you you will miss it and hunt yourself.
African Proverb
When a blind man tells you he is going to throw a stone, know that his foot is on the stone.
African Proverb
The madman, who throws a stone into a crowded market, forgets that his own mother could be hit by his madness.
African Proverb
The stone that everybody spits upon will be wet at the last.
Danish Proverb
The dog rages at the stone, not at him that throws it.
German Proverb
Bread in one hand, a stone in the other.
German Proverb
Constant dropping wears the stone.
German Proverb
He thinks that he himself is the very stone that was hurled at the castle.
Irish Proverb