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Lie Proverbs - page 2
The bowman who is a bad marksman has a lie ready.
Mexican Proverb
Lie to a liar, for lies are his coin; steal from a thief, for that is easy; lay a trap for a trickster and catch him at first attempt, but beware of an honest man.
Egyptian Proverb
One lie can fill a sack; a second will empty it again.
Moorish Proverb
If you lie down with dogs, you will get up with fleas.
Darkovan Proverb
If you lie upon roses when young, you will lie upon thorns when old.
Darkovan Proverb
If you lie down with a man, you may rise up as a woman.
Darkovan Proverb
You canot know the bugs of a bed that you have not lain on.
Swahili Proverb
A lie has no legs, but scandalous wings.
Japanese Proverb
It's better to lie a little than to be unhappy.
Japanese Proverb
It may take a lot of time to fabricate a lie but the truth only takes seconds to elevate.
African Proverb
Those who know how to praise also know how to lie.
Albanian Proverb
If three people tell you that you are drunk, you better lie down.
American Proverb
It is better to be lied about than to lie.
American Proverb
The truth is better than a lie.
American Proverb
It takes two to lie, one to lie and one to listen.
English Proverb
A lie has no legs, but a scandal has wings.
English Proverb
As you make your bed, so you must lie in it.
English Proverb
The rope of a lie is short.
Arabic Proverb
Two may lie so as to hang a third.
Danish Proverb
An old lie is often more popular than a new truth.
German Proverb
There's no putting off a lie upon the belly.
German Proverb
As a tree falls, so shall it lie.
German Proverb