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Wind Proverbs
A north wind has no corn, and a poor man no friend.
Spanish Proverb
There is no wave without wind.
Chinese Proverb
Though the wind blows, the mountain does not move.
Japanese Proverb
You cannot cook your eggs with wind.
Lebanese Proverb
Look for wind in a field.
Russian Proverb
An empty mill will turn without the wind.
Russian Proverb
Where is there a tree not shaken by the wind?
Armenian Proverb
He who believes in dreams feeds on wind.
Bulgarian Proverb
Wind and fortune are not lasting.
Portuguese Proverb
There are three uncertainties: woman, wind, and wealth.
Hindi Proverb
To set fire to the wood, you need the help of the wind.
Tibetan Proverb
He who blows into the wind gets smoke in his eyes.
Slovak Proverb
Let what is on this side of the bank be washed out by the flood, and what is on that side of the bank be carried away by the wind.
Somali Proverb
High trees catch lots of wind.
Dutch Proverb
Words and feathers are carried away by the wind.
Mexican Proverb
People are like plants in the wind: they bow down and rise up again.
Madagascan Proverb
Even as a solid rock is unshaken by the wind, so are the wise unshaken by praise or blame.
Moroccan Proverb
The driver of an ass must by necessity know its wind.
Moroccan Proverb
A willow before the wind.
Japanese Proverb
If I peddle salt, it rains; if I peddle flour, the wind blows.
Japanese Proverb
Large trees are envied by the wind.
Japanese Proverb
Life? That is a candle in the wind; frost upon a roof; the twitching of the fish in a pan.
Japanese Proverb