Proverbs around the world
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Children Proverbs - page 3
Our neighbor's children are always the worst.
German Proverb
Many children and little bread is a painful pleasure.
German Proverb
Thirteen nuns, fourteen children!
German Proverb
Bricks and mortar make a house, but the laughter of children make a home.
Irish Proverb
A rainy day is not a day for children.
Irish Proverb
Don't tell secrets to the children of your relatives.
Irish Proverb
A Joke may have children born.
Bulgarian Proverb
Old men are twice children.
Greek Proverb
It is too late for you, let God give your children some intelligence.
Persian Proverb
Raised children, doubled work.
Portuguese Proverb
Children married, cares increased.
Portuguese Proverb
He that marries a widow with four children marries four thieves.
Italian Proverb
We are all Adam's children.
Italian Proverb
A priest is a man who is called Father by everyone except his own children who are obliged to call him Uncle.
Italian Proverb
Who has no children does not know what love is.
Italian Proverb
Beloved children have many names.
Hungarian Proverb
Even if gypsy children are dropped from the sky.
Hungarian Proverb
The blessing of having many children has never broken a man's roof.
Romanian Proverb
A person who has children does not die.
Nigerian Proverb
Children of the same mother do not always agree.
Nigerian Proverb
It is an irresponsible adult that creates enmity because of a disagreement that arises between two children.
Nigerian Proverb
When a woman has ten children, there is nothing that happens in the night that she does not know about.
Nigerian Proverb