Proverbs around the world
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Children Proverbs
Children have wide ears and long tongues.
Haitian Proverb
Whoever has no children has no light in his eyes.
Persian Proverb
A house without children is a graveyard.
Hindi Proverb
Children will tell you what they do, men what they think and older people what they have seen and heard.
Gypsy Proverb
Children have a hair of their father.
Belgian Proverb
Children are the reward of life.
African Congo Proverb
She who keeps losing children doesn't invent names anymore.
Kiganda Proverb
Rather than an abatement of her viciousness, a witch gives birth to only female children and witchcraft multiplies .
Yoruba Proverb
One father can feed seven children, but seven children cannot feed one father.
Cameroon Proverb
A father maintains ten children better than ten children one father.
German Proverb
Children pick up words, as pigeons peas, and utter them again as God shall please.
Portuguese Proverb
Children raised, doubled work.
Portuguese Proverb
Children should be seen and not heard.
Portuguese Proverb
Children: one is one, two is fun, three is a houseful.
Portuguese Proverb
Children tell in the highway what they hear by the fireside.
Portuguese Proverb
Most adults are attentive to what someone is doing, but children see beyond that.
Hindi Proverb
Even children of the same mother look different.
Korean Proverb
Children speak in the field what they hear in the house.
Scottish Proverb
It's better to have lots of children than to have lots of material goods.
Vietnamese Proverb
Hold your children with your heart but teach them with your hands.
Russian Proverb
A bad mother wishes for good children.
Spanish Proverb
It is the duty of children to wait on elders, and not the elders on children.
Kenyan Proverb