Proverbs around the world
Proverbs of the day
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Off Proverbs - page 4
Don't put off today's work till tomorrow.
Estonian Proverb
Who reminds of the past and recall what has been will have his ear cut off.
Estonian Proverb
Prepare the fallow field well enough and you'll be free to go off and gather the hemp ties.
Sicilian Proverb
Pissed off like a little squirrel with a frozen pine cone.
Finnish Proverb
Milk the cow, but don't pull off the udder.
Dutch Proverb
It is ill takin' the breeks off a highlandman.
Dutch Proverb
He buys honey dear who has to lick it off thorns.
Dutch Proverb
When you are well off keep as you are.
French Proverb
After the head is off, one does not cry over the hair.
Russian Proverb
Invite him as not to antagonize him, shove him off as not to let him eat.
Ethiopian Proverb
Clothes put on while running come off while running.
Ethiopian Proverb
Don't do today what you can put off until tomorrow.
Mexican Proverb
When the healthy dog fights with a mad dog, it is the ears of the healthy one that are bitten off.
Myanmar Proverb
A bird that flies off the earth and lands on an anthill is still on the ground.
Ibo Proverb
When a poor man gets a little money, his thoughts go off in ten different directions.
Ibo Proverb
If a man told you that a dog had run off with your ear, would you go after the dog or search first for your ear?
Moroccan Proverb
A disease that fails to finish us off will continue being condemned forever.
Amharic Proverb
A man who has his feet hacked off cannot scurry far.
Norse Proverb
What you can do today do not leave off for tomorrow.
Serbo Croatian Proverb
Don't point your finger into a graveyard or it will drop off.
Bajan Proverb
Don't cut off ya nose to spite ya face.
Bajan Proverb
Cutting off a mule's ears doesn't make it a horse.
Creole Proverb