Proverbs around the world
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Off Proverbs
Without seeing the mountain, do not tuck up your skirt, without seeing the water, do not take off your boots.
Tywa Proverb
Better a finger off than one wagging.
English Proverb
Republicans will do anything for the poor except get off their backs.
American Proverb
Never put off till tomorrow what can be done today.
English Proverb
Two birds disputed about a kernel, when a third swooped down and carried it off.
African Congo Proverb
Don't cut off the monkey's tail before it is dead.
African Congo Proverb
The man on his feet carries off the share of the man sitting down.
Guinea Proverb
If something that was going to chop off your head only knocked off your cap, you should be grateful.
Yoruba Proverb
We can only speak the truth when we turn off the light.
Benin Proverb
It's hard to take britches off bare hips.
Irish Proverb
To put off repentance is dangerous.
Irish Proverb
A real scoundrel turned up and they took off their hats to him.
Greek Proverb
He has fallen off the donkey, but has found a date.
Persian Proverb
If a fool borrows a book, cut off his hand; but cut off both hands, of the fool who brings it back.
Persian Proverb
A jug carries water until its handle breaks off.
Polish Proverb
A dog will not make himself look like a horse just by cutting off his tail.
Hindi Proverb
The fox advised the others to cut off their tails, because he had left his own in the trap.
Italian Proverb
Anger is the only thing to put off until tomorrow.
Czech Proverb
Showing off other people's feathers.
Dutch Proverb
Take off your hat to your yesterdays; take off your coat for your tomorrows.
Dutch Proverb
Curious Varvara's nose was torn off.
Russian Proverb
When you chop off a snake's head all you are left with is a piece of rope.
Bambara Proverb