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Hard Proverbs - page 2
It's hard to know the quality of a person, or a watermelon.
Japanese Proverb
Wood already touched by fire is not hard to set alight.
Ghana Proverb
What people get by hard work they don't get for their neighbours.
Ghana Proverb
It is easy to dodge a spear that comes in front of you but hard to avoid an arrow shot from behind.
Chinese Proverb
The tongue is soft but constantly remains; the teeth are hard yet they fall out.
Chinese Proverb
We forget even incense in easy times; come hard times, we embrace the buddha's feet.
Chinese Proverb
On earth it's hard and heaven is far away.
Afghan Proverb
Hard heads suffer much.
Albanian Proverb
He that brings good news, knocks hard.
English Proverb
Charity bread has hard crusts.
English Proverb
It is hard to sail over the sea in an egg-shell.
English Proverb
Hard words break no bones.
English Proverb
He that doesn't know his bed is too hard sleeps well.
Danish Proverb
Tired oxen must tread hard.
German Proverb
The bites of priests and wolves are hard to heal.
German Proverb
Priestly knaves sweat hard at their meat, but never at work get into a heat.
German Proverb
Once is people's mouths, 'tis hard to get well out of them.
German Proverb
Old birds are hard to pluck.
German Proverb
Daughters are easy to rear, but hard to marry.
German Proverb
Every beginning is hard, said the thief, when he began by stealing an anvil.
German Proverb
Hard against hard never was good.
German Proverb
If you are an anvil, be patient; if you are a hammer, strike hard.
German Proverb