Proverbs around the world
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Gives Proverbs
God gives but does not lock the gate.
Bulgarian Proverb
God gives almonds to one who has no teeth.
Spanish Proverb
The hand that gives is also the one that receives.
Persian Proverb
He who willingly gives you a finger will also give you the whole hand.
Gypsy Proverb
If the hand gives, but the heart does not, nothing happens.
Bulgarian Proverb
Whatever your uncle gives you, take.
Lebanese Proverb
He gives a party with bath-water.
Persian Proverb
The fat woman gives the sweetest ride.
Gypsy Proverb
Mutual affection gives each his share.
Ivorian Proverb
He who gives a monkey as a present doesn't keep hold of its tail.
Ivorian Proverb
The barking dog gives you no power -- it gives you fear.
Madagascan Proverb
Rather than an abatement of her viciousness, a witch gives birth to only female children and witchcraft multiplies .
Yoruba Proverb
God gives the wheat, He doesn't bake the bread.
Lower Austria Proverb
Do not cut down the tree that gives you shade.
Persian Proverb
God gives to us according to the measure of our hearts.
Persian Proverb
He gives him roast meat and beats him with the spit.
Persian Proverb
The lover who gives you her body but not her heart is generous with thornless roses.
Persian Proverb
He gives from caliph's bag.
Persian Proverb
Early sleep and early wake up, gives health and makes you grow.
Portuguese Proverb
Not much is achieved where everyone gives the orders.
Portuguese Proverb
To him who gives you a pig you may well give a rasher.
Italian Proverb
One good punch on your enemy's nose, gives more pleasure than hearing well-meaning advice from your elders.
Tibetan Proverb