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Door Proverbs - page 4
Where one door is shut another opens.
Spanish Proverb
A postern door makes a thief.
Spanish Proverb
As soon as one goes out the window, another comes in the door.
Spanish Proverb
Unless you call out, who will open the door?
Ethiopian Proverb
The pot of water falls from your head when you have just reached the door of your homestead.
Acholi Proverb
Where one door closes, another one opens.
Mexican Proverb
The place of an uninvited guest is behind the door.
Yugoslav Proverb
Bolted windows with the door ajar.
Kashmir Proverb
Do not spread your corn to dry at an enemy's door.
Asturian Proverb
The charitable give out the door and God puts it back through the window.
Traditional Proverb
The back of one door is the face of another.
Traditional Proverb
De sea en' get nuh back door.
Bajan Proverb
Earth is like a prison: we all go in through the same door, but we stay in different cells.
Bantu Proverb
The ear is only a door.
Creole Proverb
Every door with its own key.
Swahili Proverb
While keeping a tiger from the front door, the wolf comes in at the back.
Chinese Proverb
Whoever keeps his door locked all the time longs for it to be broken down.
Chinese Proverb
The man whose conscience is clear will never fear a knock on the door at midnight.
Chinese Proverb
A man need never revenge himself; the body of his enemy will be brought to his own door.
Chinese Proverb
If you have never done anything evil, you should not be worrying about devils knocking at your door.
Chinese Proverb
The door to virtue is heavy and hard to open.
Chinese Proverb
The best kind of closed door is the one you can leave unlocked.
Chinese Proverb