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Enemy Proverbs - page 4
Absence is the enemy of love.
Italian Proverb
One enemy is too much for a man, and a hundred friends too few.
Italian Proverb
Peel a fig for your friend, a peach for your enemy.
Italian Proverb
Trust not the praise of a friend nor the contempt of an enemy.
Italian Proverb
Your enemy makes you wiser.
Italian Proverb
Nice words appease even the enemy.
Hungarian Proverb
The looking glass is the enemy of ugly women.
Romanian Proverb
A thousand friends are too few; one enemy is one too many.
Kurdish Proverb
The enemy of a father will never be friends of his son.
Kurdish Proverb
Feed your horse as a friend, mount him as an enemy.
Croatian Proverb
If you want to destroy your enemy, give him an elephant.
Thai Proverb
The store of rice in your attic is your enemy -- it makes them who have none very jealous.
Thai Proverb
Speak well of your friend; of your enemy say nothing.
Welsh Proverb
Never trust overmuch to a new friend or an old enemy.
Welsh Proverb
Who wants to makes his friend his enemy should loan him some money.
Estonian Proverb
My enemy isn't the one who harms me, but the one who makes me evil.
Icelandic Proverb
Beware of still water, a still dog, and a still enemy.
Yiddish Proverb
For a flying enemy make a silver bridge.
Dutch Proverb
He cannot be a friend to any one who is his own enemy.
French Proverb
The lucky man's enemy dies, and the unlucky man's friend.
Russian Proverb
One who seeks no friends is his own enemy.
Russian Proverb
A weapon is an enemy even to its owner.
Turkish Proverb