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Enemy Proverbs - page 3
There is no little enemy.
German Proverb
An enemy that is surprised is already half-defeated.
German Proverb
I would rather have a dog my friend than enemy.
German Proverb
Never fight an enemy whilst it is possible to cheat him.
German Proverb
One enemy can harm you more than a hundred friends can do you good.
German Proverb
Scratch a lover and find an enemy.
German Proverb
A trade not properly learned is an enemy.
Irish Proverb
Your friend and your enemy think you will never die.
Irish Proverb
Listen to that which is well said even if it is from the mouth of an enemy.
Greek Proverb
What can the enemy do when the friend is cordial.
Persian Proverb
Trust not a new friend or an old enemy.
Portuguese Proverb
Hunger and cold surrender a man to his enemy.
Portuguese Proverb
Money lent, an enemy made.
Portuguese Proverb
Make a silver bridge for a flying enemy.
Portuguese Proverb
Haste is the enemy of perfection.
Portuguese Proverb
The man of your own trade is your enemy.
Portuguese Proverb
You have lent and not recovered; and if recovered, not so much; and if so much, not such; and if such, a mortal enemy.
Portuguese Proverb
A guilty conscience is a hidden enemy.
Hindi Proverb
He that shows his passion, tells his enemy where he may hit him.
Italian Proverb
One enemy is too many, and a hundred friends are too few.
Italian Proverb
All are brave when the enemy flies.
Italian Proverb
Look with suspicion on the flight of an enemy.
Italian Proverb