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Enemy Proverbs - page 10
When our enemy flies, build him a golden bridge.
Spanish Proverb
He who trifles with his enemy dies by his hand.
Spanish Proverb
A reconciled friend is a double enemy.
Spanish Proverb
Art has no enemy except ignorance.
Latin Proverb
The good is the enemy of the best.
Latin Proverb
Presents from an enemy must be received with suspicion.
Latin Proverb
It is good to be taught even by an enemy.
Latin Proverb
He is his own enemy.
Latin Proverb
The good is the enemy of the best.
English Proverb
A weapon is an enemy even to its owner.
Guatemalan Proverb
If two men claim your help, and one is your enemy, help him first.
Hebrew Proverb
Every man is his own worst enemy.
Traditional Proverb
He who shares my bread and salt is not my enemy.
Traditional Proverb
Faithful are the wounds of a friend; but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful.
Biblical Proverb
If you go and take the field of an enemy, the enemy will come and take your field.
Babylonian Proverb
A wise enemy as a companion is better than a foolish friend.
Oromo Proverb
You may as well die fighting the enemy than live exploited and be persecuted by him.
African Proverb
He is an enemy who slanders one's name.
African Proverb
Do not think that one enemy is insignificant, or that a thousand friends are too many.
English Proverb
Never tell your friends what your enemy may not hear.
Arabic Proverb
Better an open enemy than a false friend.
Danish Proverb
A friend who leads one astray is an enemy.
Greek Proverb