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Gold Proverbs - page 2
An ass is but an ass, though laden with gold.
Romanian Proverb
Gold without wisdom is but clay.
Slovak Proverb
A mother is gold, a father is a mirror.
Nigerian Proverb
Better a friend at court than gold on the finger.
Welsh Proverb
All my goods are of silver and gold, even my copper kettle, says the boaster.
Dutch Proverb
Though a cage may be made of gold, it is still a cage.
Mexican Proverb
Though the cage be made of gold, it's still a prison.
Mexican Proverb
Gold is a debt we can repay, but kindness not till our dying day.
Malawi Proverb
The body pays for a slip of the foot and gold pays for a slip of the tongue.
Malawi Proverb
Like a gold ring in a pigs snout is a woman without descretion.
Moroccan Proverb
Gold like the sun melts wax and hardens clay.
Namibian Proverb
The truth is like gold; keep it locked up and you will find it exactly as you first put it away.
Senegalese Proverb
In a house of gold the clocks are of lead.
Swiss Proverb
With gold you can make a road to heaven but it will end in hell.
Togolese Proverb
Half an hour in a spring evening is worth a thousand gold pieces.
Japanese Proverb
Giving gold coins to a cat.
Japanese Proverb
He who has gold is served by the devil.
Japanese Proverb
Even a fool knows the glow of gold.
Japanese Proverb
May kabul be without gold rather without snow.
Afghan Proverb
If it were not for eating, the back might wear gold.
American Proverb
There are three things that can destroy a preacher, the glory, the gold, and the girls.
American Proverb
Gold is the devil's fishhook.
American Proverb