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Bread Proverbs - page 3
Ill befal the belly that forgets eaten bread.
Portuguese Proverb
In default of bread, meal cakes are good.
Portuguese Proverb
Water by Saint John's takes oil and doesn't give bread.
Portuguese Proverb
There will be no bread from that flour.
Polish Proverb
Without work there won't be any bread in your mouth.
Polish Proverb
Even the dog gets bread by wagging his tail.
Italian Proverb
Stones or bread, one must have something in hand for the dogs.
Italian Proverb
Others' bread has seven crusts.
Italian Proverb
He who gives bread to others' dogs is often barked at by his own.
Italian Proverb
Don't bite till you know whether it is bread or a stone.
Italian Proverb
Others' bread is too salt.
Italian Proverb
Who goes for a day in the forest should take bread for a week.
Czech Proverb
The God who gave us teeth will also give us bread.
Czech Proverb
He who cannot cut the bread evenly cannot get on well with people.
Czech Proverb
Better dry bread in peacetime than meat in wartime.
Hungarian Proverb
Acorns were good till bread was found.
Romanian Proverb
The man of many trades begs his bread on Sunday.
Romanian Proverb
The death of one - the bread of the other.
Swedish Proverb
Check before you bite if it is bread or a stone.
Croatian Proverb
The starving man will never burn his bread.
Croatian Proverb
A man without a beard is like bread without a crust.
Lithuanian Proverb
To a starving man bread is sweeter than honey.
Lithuanian Proverb