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Young Proverbs - page 3
Honour the old, teach the young.
Danish Proverb
The aged in council, the young in action.
Danish Proverb
Young gamblers, old beggars.
German Proverb
A young doctor means a new graveyard.
German Proverb
A young wife is an old man's post-horse to the grave.
German Proverb
On poor people's beards the young barber learns his trade.
German Proverb
To remain young while growing old is the highest blessing.
German Proverb
Whore or thief young or old, welcome so you've got the gold.
German Proverb
Young men may die, but old men must die.
German Proverb
You can't put a wide head on young shoulders.
Irish Proverb
While young, it's all dreams; when old, all memories.
Irish Proverb
As the old cock crows, the young cock learns.
Irish Proverb
The young shed many skins.
Irish Proverb
Death is in front of the old person and at the back of the young person.
Irish Proverb
Youth is wasted on the young.
Irish Proverb
Praise the young and they will make progress.
Irish Proverb
A young man should not marry yet, an old man not at all.
Greek Proverb
An old cat likes young mice.
Greek Proverb
Ill fares the young bird in the urchin's hand.
Portuguese Proverb
You have to suffer a lot or die young.
Portuguese Proverb
What a young absorbs, the old loses.
Polish Proverb
The young crow is wiser than its mother.
Hindi Proverb