Proverbs around the world
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Speak Proverbs - page 5
Do not speak of evil for it creates curiosity in the hearts of the young.
Native American Proverb
Speak truth in humility to all people. Only then can you be a true man.
Native American Proverb
When you die, you will be spoken of as those in the sky, like the stars.
Native American Proverb
Be still and the earth will speak to you.
Native American Proverb
To watch us dance is to hear our hearts speak.
Hopi Indian Proverb
When the grandmothers speak, the earth will be healed.
Hopi Indian Proverb
Take care when you speak in judgment. Words are powerful weapons.
Hopi Indian Proverb
If I listen, I have the advantage; if I speak, others have it.
Moroccan Proverb
To quarrel with a man of good speech is better than to converse with a man who does not speak well.
Asian-indian Proverb
Let him speak soft words and offer wealth who longs for a woman's love.
Norse Proverb
Some who will not speak against another, in the end does them harm.
Traditional Proverb
Speak and the man shall be shown.
Traditional Proverb
Speak little and to the purpose.
Traditional Proverb
Children and drunks always speak the truth.
Traditional Proverb
The one who is looking for a wife doesn't speak contemptuously of women.
Tshi Proverb
Speak to the earth, and it shall teach thee.
Biblical Proverb
A word can't be recalled once spoken.
Japanese Proverb
With money you can make the dead speak; without it you can't even keep the deaf quiet.
Chinese Proverb
A word once spoken, an army of chariots cannot overtake it.
Chinese Proverb
Books speak to the mind, friends to the heart, heaven to the soul, all else to the ears.
Chinese Proverb
The one who understands does not speak, the one who speaks does not understand.
Chinese Proverb
Four things come not back: the spoken word, the spent arrow, the past life, and the neglected opportunity.
Chinese Proverb