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Speak Proverbs - page 4
Speak not ill of the year until it is past.
Italian Proverb
Speak of the Devil and he appears.
Italian Proverb
Our parents taught us to speak and the world taught us to be silent.
Czech Proverb
To be silent is golden, to speak is silvern.
Hungarian Proverb
He who cannot keep silence cannot speak.
Swedish Proverb
To speak is to sow; to listen is to reap.
Kurdish Proverb
Listen a hundred times; ponder a thousand times; speak once.
Kurdish Proverb
All food is fit to eat, but not all words are fit to speak.
Haitian Proverb
To speak French doesn't mean you are smart.
Haitian Proverb
Speak what needs to be said, or stay silent.
Icelandic Proverb
Speak the truth, but keep one hand on the sword.
Icelandic Proverb
Spoken words cannot be taken back.
Icelandic Proverb
Speak highly of the lake, but stay on the bank.
Ukrainian Proverb
Do you speak English?
Dutch Proverb
A spoken word is like a sparrow that once has flown away, cannot be caught again.
Russian Proverb
Confide a secret to a dumb man and he will speak.
Russian Proverb
If your heart is a rose, then your mouth will speak perfumed words.
Russian Proverb
When you are on the road speak not ill of your enemy.
Spanish Proverb
Honey-tongued, soft spoken, malicious, and unprincipled in conduct.
Latin Proverb
Eat when the meal is ready, speak when the time is ripe.
Ethiopian Proverb
If they speak, they are wind; if they are silent, they are gourds.
Ethiopian Proverb
Speak plain -- call bread bread, and wine wine.
Mexican Proverb