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Speak Proverbs - page 2
It would be good to have two mouths and speak to yourself with both.
Icelandic Proverb
Think today and speak tomorrow.
Vietnamese Proverb
I have a mouth which I feed, it must speak what I please.
Dutch Proverb
A spoken word is not a sparrow. Once it flies out, you can't catch it.
Russian Proverb
Having two ears and one tongue, we should listen twice as much as we speak.
Turkish Proverb
If you speak the truth, keep a foot in the stirrup.
Turkish Proverb
A round egg can be made square according to how you cut it; words would be harsh according to how you speak them.
Japanese Proverb
Never speak in a hurry.
Latin Proverb
Let not the tongue speak what the head may have to pay for.
Mexican Proverb
He who lingers around will hear bad things spoken about him.
Mexican Proverb
When you speak, know that which can be brought against you.
Egyptian Proverb
May no lies be spoken against me in the presence of God.
Egyptian Proverb
Never speak untruth and falsity knowingly.
Egyptian Proverb
Speak kindly or refrain you from talking.
Algerian Proverb
Chickens can't speak well of their own soup.
Martinican Proverb
Speak whenever you must, hush whenever you can.
Panamanian Proverb
Quarrels end, but words once spoken never die.
Sierra Leonean Proverb
Speak well of others.
Japanese Proverb
The inarticulate speak longest.
Japanese Proverb
Think before you speak.
English Proverb
Old saws speak truth.
English Proverb
He must have leave to speak who cannot hold his tongue.
English Proverb