Proverbs around the world
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Easy Proverbs - page 4
With a full belly it is easy to talk about fasting.
Croatian Proverb
It is easier to give orders than to work.
Lithuanian Proverb
An empty head gets the easiest sleep.
Norwegian Proverb
The lowest fence is the easiest to get across.
Norwegian Proverb
Easy to change young wood shape than the old one.
Thai Proverb
A boy is easier cheated than an old lady.
Welsh Proverb
It is easier to dam a river than to stop the flow of gossip.
Filipino Proverb
It is easy to be a man. It is hard to make oneself human.
Filipino Proverb
It is easier to make a lady of a peasant-girl than a peasant-girl of a lady.
Dutch Proverb
It is easier to prevent ill habits than to break them.
Dutch Proverb
It is easy to be liberal out of another man's purse.
Dutch Proverb
Easy to say is hard to do.
French Proverb
It's easier to tear a hole than to mend one.
Russian Proverb
A good-looking man is pleasant to look at, but it is easier to live with an amusing one.
Russian Proverb
It is easier to bear a child once a year than to shave every day.
Russian Proverb
If the world is flooded, it will be easy for the duck.
Turkish Proverb
Custom makes all things easy.
Spanish Proverb
It is easy to tempt a frog to the river.
Serbian Proverb
How easy it is to defeat people who do not kindle fire for themselves.
Kenyan Proverb
It's easy to trust a cat once you put the cream out of reach.
Mexican Proverb
It is not easy to meet Good, but it is easy to recognize it.
Yugoslav Proverb
It is easier to transport a termite hill than have authority in a village.
Duala Proverb