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Seek and ye shall find.
English Proverb
Journey and you will find replacement to the ones left behind.
Arabic Proverb
Fire will burn itself out if it did not find anything to burn.
Arabic Proverb
A poor man would like to have some fun, but he cannot find the right place.
Arabic Proverb
If God bids thee draw, he will find thee a rope; if he bids thee ride, he will find thee a horse.
Danish Proverb
There is no law but has a hole in it, for those who can find it out.
German Proverb
He is a bad shot who cannot find an excuse.
German Proverb
Scratch a lover and find an enemy.
German Proverb
You'll not find a thrush in a hawk's nest.
Irish Proverb
You can't find stupidity in the forest.
Bulgarian Proverb
He who wants content can't find an easy chair.
Persian Proverb
Only a heart can find the way to another heart.
Persian Proverb
Who holds his peace and gathers stones, will find a time to throw them.
Portuguese Proverb
If one loves the ugly, one shall find it beautiful.
Portuguese Proverb
If you would be in good repute, let not the sun find you in bed.
Portuguese Proverb
You need not find a shelter for an old ox.
Portuguese Proverb
Never seek the wind in the field. It is useless to try and find what is gone.
Polish Proverb
Seek and you shall find.
Polish Proverb
It is easy to find a stick to beat a dog.
Italian Proverb
He that would beat his dog can easily find a stick.
Italian Proverb
The countries you visit, the customs you find.
Italian Proverb
Who seeks a quarrel will find it near at hand.
Italian Proverb