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The lazy man who goes to borrow a spade says, "I hope I will not find one.”.
Madagascan Proverb
When you are looking for a country with no tombstones you will find yourself in the land of cannibals.
Madagascan Proverb
If you find the residents of a place worshipping a donkey, bring the beast some grass.
Moroccan Proverb
In the hangman's house you will always find a rope.
Netherlands Antillean Proverb
No matter how strong you are, you always find someone stronger.
Senegalese Proverb
The truth is like gold; keep it locked up and you will find it exactly as you first put it away.
Senegalese Proverb
At the bottom of the sack you will find the bill.
Swiss Proverb
Find as much love as was given by your father and mother many times.
Uruguayan Proverb
Foam will always find its way to the shore.
Zanzibar Proverb
Underneath every bush you'll find a mud rabbit ready to bolt.
Darkovan Proverb
Over-intelligent people can't find friends.
Japanese Proverb
If you are looking for bad luck, you will soon find it.
Japanese Proverb
If you find no fish, you have to eat bread.
Ghana Proverb
Before you beat the dog, find out the name of his master.
Chinese Proverb
If you want to find out about the road ahead, then ask about it from those coming back.
Chinese Proverb
The man dying to hang himself can always find a noose.
Afghan Proverb
When a lion cannot find the flesh to feed on, it has no choice but to eat the grass.
African Proverb
How come that when I lost my sheep and could not find it, I was questioned; but the hyena who was found with the sheepskin is not questioned.
African Proverb
He that would make a fool of himself will find many to help him.
American Proverb
There is a remedy for everything, could men find it.
English Proverb
Take heed you find not what you do not seek.
English Proverb
A man that will fight will find a cudgel in every hedge.
English Proverb