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Worth Proverbs - page 3
If you know what a dollar is worth, try to borrow it.
Portuguese Proverb
It's not worth undressing a saint to dress another one.
Portuguese Proverb
The worth of a thing is what it will bring.
Portuguese Proverb
One ducat before the trial is worth three afterwards.
Polish Proverb
A golden plate is worth nothing to me when my blood is spilled on it.
Georgian Proverb
The ass does not know the worth of this tail till he has lost it.
Italian Proverb
A good mother is worth a hundred teachers.
Italian Proverb
What worth has beauty if it is not seen?
Italian Proverb
A donkey that carries me is worth more than a horse that kicks me.
Mongolian Proverb
One sturdy house is worth a hundred in ruins.
Kurdish Proverb
A shy woman is worth a city, a shy man is worth a goat.
Kurdish Proverb
A good friend is worth more than a bad brother.
Croatian Proverb
He who has had no experience of evil cannot know the worth of what is good.
Maltese Proverb
Not all the words that were ever uttered are worth weighing on golden scales.
Norwegian Proverb
A wife's advice is not worth much, but woe to the husband who refuses to take it.
Welsh Proverb
A pound's worth of tears will not settle a penny's worth of debt.
Corsican Proverb
A system that works is worth golden.
Icelandic Proverb
Your value is set by your worth.
Sicilian Proverb
A bird in the hand is worth ten in the bush.
Finnish Proverb
A good deed is worth gold.
Dutch Proverb
A pennyworth of mirth is worth a pound of sorrow.
Dutch Proverb
A good horse is worth his fodder.
Dutch Proverb