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Fall Proverbs - page 4
Cunning men's cloaks sometimes fall.
Italian Proverb
Even an ass will not fall twice in the same quicksand.
Italian Proverb
He that stands may fall.
Italian Proverb
He who climbs to high is near a fall.
Italian Proverb
If the blind lead the blind, both fall into the ditch.
Italian Proverb
They who shun the smoke often fall into the fire.
Italian Proverb
The one who sits on the ground need not fear a fall.
Czech Proverb
If a blind man leads another, they both fall together.
Swedish Proverb
Save three pieces of gold and the fourth one will fall into your lap.
Croatian Proverb
He that lies on the floor doesn't fall down.
Norwegian Proverb
The young laugh when the old fall.
Welsh Proverb
A fall bodes a lucky journey from the house but not toward it.
Icelandic Proverb
When you fall behind, you eat dust.
Sicilian Proverb
Don't raise your club so high; it will only fall on your head.
Finnish Proverb
You do not fall because you are weak; you fall because you think you are strong.
Yiddish Proverb
He that abideth low cannot fall hard.
Dutch Proverb
Men that crawl, never fall.
Dutch Proverb
The higher the mountain the lower the valley, the taller the tree the harder the fall.
Dutch Proverb
If the sky were to fall we should catch plenty of larks.
French Proverb
When a durian tree is already ripe and sweet, many of the durians will fall to the ground.
Indonesian Proverb
In a very critical situation as the egg will soon tip-over and fall.
Indonesian Proverb
Would I know where I'd fall, I'd lay some straw there ahead of time.
Russian Proverb