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Fall Proverbs - page 3
Even monkeys fall from trees.
Japanese Proverb
If you are going to fall it's muddy everywhere.
Japanese Proverb
The heaviest rains fall on the house that leaks most.
Japanese Proverb
If heaven above lets fall a plum, open your mouth.
Chinese Proverb
The tongue is soft but constantly remains; the teeth are hard yet they fall out.
Chinese Proverb
No matter how high the squirrel jumps, it will eventually fall onto the ground.
Malay Proverb
As the dog said, ‘If I fall down for you and you fall down for me, it is playing.'
African Proverb
If you don't stand for something, you will fall for something.
African Proverb
If you are digging a pit for your enemy, don't make it too deep, for you may fall into it.
African Proverb
United we stand, divided we fall.
English Proverb
He who grasps too much lets much fall.
German Proverb
Who avoids small sins, does not fall into great ones.
German Proverb
If you dig a grave for others, you might fall into it yourself.
Irish Proverb
Don't be too friendly with the clergy and don't fall out with them.
Irish Proverb
A house divided will soon fall.
Irish Proverb
Be kind to those that meet you as you rise, you may pass them again as you fall.
Irish Proverb
It is not enough for a man to know how to ride; he must know how to fall.
Irish Proverb
He who digs someone else's grave shall fall in it himself.
Bulgarian Proverb
He who will not climb will not fall.
Hindi Proverb
He who does not climb, will not fall either.
Hindi Proverb
To fall out of the frying-pan into the fire.
Italian Proverb
The apple does not fall far from the tree.
Italian Proverb